The repair work in the 25 yard bay commenced this week. New sheet metal is being put up and the pea gravel is being refilled in the baffles. Construction work will only occur during weekdays. You are still free to use ALL bays during Saturday and Sunday, but the 25 yard bay is unavailable for shooting while workers are present.
We’ll review the 25 yard bay after completion and schedule permitting, will move on to the next bay repair work.
A reminder: The welded rebar target stands in the 25 yard bay are ONLY for use in the 25 yard bay! Just because there is repair work ongoing does not mean you can use the rebar target stands in the 100 yard bay! If you wrongly thought this was the case, please contact me so we can schedule your attendance *again* for one of the 40 Safety Briefings I conduct every year. At the end of said Safety Briefing, I shine a green laser on those target stands and instruct everyone NOT to use them anywhere other than the 25 yard bay.