On Sunday the gate lock malfunctioned. I left the hospital to diagnose the issue with the gate and determined it was a mechanical failure. The hollow roll pin in the top portion of the lock hasp had worn fully through from repeated back and forth travel. The last time this happened was approximately three years ago. I dipped into the spare parts bag and located my last new lock hasp to replace it. The manufacturer had long since converted over to solid roll pins for more endurance. I’m not really sure what they were thinking in the beginning when they used a hollow roll pin. At any rate, the lock actuation has been replaced with a new part and lubricated.
While in there I also replaced the fail safe trigger, which is the wedge of metal that runs along the hasp to engage with it and when energized is in the lock position, when de-energized, is in the open position. It probably could have gone on for some time, but might as well replace the replaceable parts at the same time and order some new ones to have on hand for when these fail in the future. Here are some pics of the actual parts in question.
Periodically the mechanical parts need to be cleaned and lubricated, just like any metal on metal. On the whole though, this particular failure does not happen frequently.