We’re still open as of now…

Ladies and Gentlemen, Governor Abbott has issued EXECUTIVE ORDER GA O8 Relating to COVID-19 preparedness and mitigation. This EO, amongst other things, orders all Texans to avoid groups of people larger than 10 and ends April 3rd midnight. As we do not have any membership sessions scheduled or monthly meetings during this time frame, this particular EO does not affect our meetings. You are still able to use the Range as normal otherwise. Stay tuned for updates, as I personally believe this EO will be amended or superseded with another EO at a later date with even greater restrictions. If you wish to read the EO directly, you can do so at https://gov.texas.gov/uploads/files/press/EO-GA_08_COVID-19_preparedness_and_mitigation_FINAL_03-19-2020_1.pdf

Stay safe and recognize there is a lot more going on here than you think.